Sunday, May 16, 2010
Moving from 100 Colgate St
This is a view looking down on the sidewalk. The guy at the bottom will need to pull the platform away from the basement entrance and trash can house to the right as the platform descends. Note also the power line in the left side of the shot: It is the black line that is not part of the sidewalk channel grid. It shouldn't be difficult to avoid this.
I see two issues still to resolve: 1. I need to find a way to keep both the upper and lower sashes as close the ceiling as possible so we have as much room to work as possible. 2. It seems that the pole will have to lean back slightly to accommodate the top railing. This isn't a problem per se, but it isn't ideal. We'll need to affix or otherwise lash the pole to the post very securely, because it will want to wiggle out of position as we place weight on the pulley at the top.
One more thing: We need to keep the box located on the platform as we lower it. If you can screw eyes near opposing edges of the platform, we can use a couple of bungee cords to meet this need.
The heaviest box I have is probably around 70 pounds, but I'd like to use this system to get the piano down as well, which weighs around 100 pounds. My bookcases will likely have to go down the stairs, as will the couch, mattress, coffee table, and box spring.
Let me know your thoughts. Talk to you soon!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Good Television
But good television still exists, or at least it did: I've commented how much I like Arrested Development, but it was my memory of a surprise ending on one episode of Major Dad, an otherwise mediocre show with an occasional hint of emotional relevance, that keeps my cynicism at bay. I was happy to discover it again on the wonder that is Hulu.
It Wouldn't Be Christmas Without a Dick Joke
The guy who sent me this card also turned me onto Arrested Development, a show so funny I gave it to people on DVD for Christmas.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Abandoning Disbelief, or Why We're Here.
Our fondness for all things quixotic is what borne the blog: Penguins might skyrocket when our backs are turned, just as windmills might be giants. If you just ignore your disbelief (if you're only suspending it, try a little harder) either is possible.
This enthusiasm of ours may have been planted in our minds by this music video for You Can Call Me Al when we were the most impressionable of youths. The guy on the left is Paul Simon, the song's writer and singer. I don't know the guy on the right, but I think he once took a European vacation.
It's the nuances that make us laugh hardest: Keep your eye on the glass of water, then the piccolo.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Memo to Mary Kay

From: Sent Jointly by The Employees of the Cadillac Brand, General Motors; The Cadillac Owners Club of America; Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson; Tim Gunn, Liz Claiborne Inc.; The American Civil Liberties Union; The American Family Association; The Beach Boys; The United States Coalition of Gas Station Franchise Owners; Wayne Newton; The United States Conference of Mayors; Mary E. Peters, Secretary, the U.S. Department of Transportation; The United States House of Representatives; The United States Senate; The Office of the President of the United States of America
Re: Hurting AmericaThe Employees of the Cadillac Brand, General Motors; et al