The celebration of April Fool's Day does genuine fools a gross disservice each year by irresponsibly elevating regular Joes to that higher, unearned station. A man with a handful of dog poo from the underside of his car door handle does not a nincompoop make. What's next, "President's Day"? The situation is appalling.
Skyrocket Penguin would like to take a moment to point out a few genuine articles that deserve our attention this April 1st.

FIA president and billionaire Max Mosley paid five hookers to dress up as Nazi concentration camp guards and their prisoners. They took turns flogging each other (Mosley bled) as well as more typical acts. The entire encounter was captured on a five and one-half hour tape, clips of which are now on the internet. A British tabloid is in possession of the complete tape.
I love that I can describe this situation with no snark (or even adjectives) and it still makes me chuckle. If comedy were food, this and the
Jon Edwards hair care seminar could sustain me until Seinfeld returns.
2. Creamer, for choosing this particular shade for their trucks:

That isn't a Ford standard color, so Creamer likely had to pay extra for it. Seen today in JC.
3. The person who designed this:

...and the person who drives it, who isn't paid enough. Also seen today in JC.