We have been saying how much we like Jersey City (JC) for a while now, so we figure it's time to get a little more specific.
We at Skyrocket Penguin are not adventurous dressers. Tim Gunn would admire our restraint (no midriff) but disapprove of our Rumsfeld-in-retirement attire.

So we occasionally visit Another Man's Treasure. You ever find a Fort Knox Softball League T-shirt at a Salvation Army store that you now can't stop wearing? Ever go to a flea market and find a coat that fit like nothing made today because it was made 40 years ago? Another Man's Treasure collects all those and sells them in one place. Specifically, one block away from the Grove Street PATH stop.

1 comment:
Christmas 2008...
Christmas 2009... er might it not be time for new feature, Senor Penguin? Your audience is getting surly!
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